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E2CALC - An Electronics Engineers Calculator Program

E²CALC, or the Electronic Engineers Calculator is an engineering calculator and formula solver program I wrote back in 1991 after I saw a similar program that was the biggest piece of crap I had ever seen. I thought I could write something better in a weekend, and I did, so this is the result.

E²CALC is an engineering calculator and formula solver with some other handy ultilities thrown in.

It was reviewed in the May 1992 edition of Electronics Australia.

It's about as useful (useless?) as any other PC calculator, but does have some nice electronics tools, like constants and a parallel function.

For those that want it, here it is, knock yourself out: eecalc14.zip

Sceen shot form the engineering calculator function

It requires DOS, and works with CGA, Hercules, EGA, and VGA cards. Graphics are only required for displaying graphs using the formula solver.

The source code in Microsoft Quickbasic 4.5 is available for a small "donation" of $5US. EMAIL me if you wish to get the cource code.

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Copyright(c)1995-2003 David L. Jones