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PAL/NTSC Video Time/Date Generator |
As published in the August 1999 issue of Electronics Australia
A captured screen shot of the time/date overlay produced
by the VCG-01
Yes, that handsome devil on the left is yours truly!
An inside shot of the VCG-01 showing the PCB. There
are no external connectors or wiring required.
The complete unit when closed.
Perfect low cost
solution for :
- New video security installations
- SSTV transmitters
- Amateur video
- Existing installed security installations
- Scientific experimentation monitoring
- and any other application that needs the time and date recorded
on an image!
In any recorded video security application it is essential that the
time and date be recorded over the video image to validate the footage.
Most low cost installations do not have this facility, and the VCG-01
is designed to fill this gap. It is designed to do nothing more than
overlay the time and date onto an existing video image, with no fancy
video switching or other unnecessary functions that increase the cost.
Installation is as simple as connecting video in and out, and a DC supply
which can even be derived from an existing camera supply. As a bonus
the VCG-01 will also display a 10 character user defined text message.
With battery backup and auto recovery after power failure, the VCG-01
is designed for set and forget installations.
- Lowest possible cost
- Compact size 120mm x 60mm x 30mm (PCB only - 90mm x 48mm)
- Powered from a single 9-15V DC (50mA) power source (2.1mm DC socket) (can
use the existing DC camera supply)
- Battery backup lasts the shelf life of the battery (Internal CR2032 Lithium
- Clear legible text with a black border around all characters (fixed to
approx top center of the screen)
- Fully automatic text brightness adjustment, set to 75% white level.
- 75ohm RCA composite video input
- 75ohm RCA composite video output
- Colour or B/W compatible.
- 8MHz video bandwidth
- Time/Date updated once per second (fixed 24hr, DD/MM/YY format)
- 10 Character user defined message for general titling (numbers and letters
- User settable with two PCB mounted push buttons
- Automatic retention and redisplay of Date/Time/Message in the event of power
- Optional NTSC version
- Available as a short form or full form kit
- Professional solder-masked & silk screened PCB
- Fully Year 2000 (Y2K) compliant
- NEW - From the 28th Aug'99 all kits will come with v2.1 or higher
firmware which has a black border around the text to provide text readability
in ALL conditions. The older version without the border had problems showing
up on light video backgrounds.
Want a full
screen KEYBOARD based Titler instead of the Time/Date?
Take a look at my Keyboard based full screen Video Titler!
Price &
Availability :
The STV5730A chip used in this project was discontinued
in Nov01, but has since been reinstated as a full product again and is now
available in quantity!
HOWEVER, I will NOT be carrying this chip any
longer and as such do not have any more full or short form kits available.
The STV5730A chip is available from many other
& Operating Information :
Please view and download all of these instructions and diagrams, no information
is supplied with the actual kit.
Click here to view the Construction Article in HTML
Click here to view the Parts List and Component Overlay
Click here to view the Operating Instructions
Click here to view the Schematic Diagram
Click here to view the PCB in 300dpi GIF format
Click here to download the PCB in Protel format
Click here to download the HEX files for the PIC
chip (NOTE : "VCG21.HEX" is for the 16F84, and "VCG21A.HEX"
is for the 16C61 chip)
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David L. Jones