Electronics related projects, information, and resources.

10MHz DDS Gen
Logic Analyser
DSOA Mk1/2
20MHz Generator

Screen Blanker
Freq Counter
Eprom Burner 1
Eprom Burner 2
Lattice GDS
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Daewoo DN7400

T1000 Webring
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Internet Dating
Solar Sponge
Calculator Watch

Home Page


If you are into electronics, computers, or anything else remotely technical, then I'm sure there will be something of interest for you here. There are various electronic projects, many of which I have had published in Electronics Australia (RIP) & Silicon Chip magazines.

I am the owner and moderator of the Aus-Electronics Yahoo! group, but it is now defunct.
My new community forum is over at the EEVblog



uCurrent - A professional precision current adapter for multimeters

uWatch - The world's first D-I-Y Scientific calculator watch. And it uses all off-the-shelf components!
The coolest nerdy accessory on the planet!

PCB Design Tutorial - As published in Silicon Chip magazine Oct-Dec 2003. A very comprehensive three part tutorial on how to professionally design and lay out PCBs. Learn all the tricks of the trade. A ground breaking article.

10MHz DDS Function Generator - A very low cost 1Hz to 10MHz sine/square function generator using a novel "sliding window" display. Based on the Analog Devices AD9835 DDS chip.

VTG-01 Video Title Generator - Add titles to a PAL or NTSC video image using a standard IBM keyboard. The only kit of it's type available in the world. Simple and low cost. Based on the STV5730A chip.

VCG-01 Video Date/Time/Message overlay generator - Overlay the time & date onto a PAL or NTSC video image. The only kit of it's type available in the world. Simple and low cost. Based on the STV5730A chip.

Low Cost 20MHz Function Generator - A 20MHz+ Sine/Square/Triangle function generator based on the Maxim MAX038 chip.

PC Based Digital Storage Oscilloscope Adaptor - A simple and low cost PC Based digital storage scope using a novel architecture.

PC Based Digital Storage Oscilloscope Adaptor Mk3 - A 20MS/s dual channel PC Based digital storage scope using a novel architecture.

PC Based EPROM Programmer - The "1993 Electronics Australia" PC based EPROM Programmer.

PC Based EPROM Programmer Mk2 - An unfinished Mk2 version of the PC based EPROM Programmer.

40MHz 32 Channel PC Based Logic Analyser - A low cost and easy to build PC based Logic Analyser.

Analog Interface Unit - A simple and low cost PC based ADC/DAC.

Simple 40MHz Frequency Counter - A simple 40MHz Frequency Counter module using readily available chips.

Lattice GDS Programming Software - Free programming software for the Lattice Semiconductor range of ispGDS chips.

EECALC - A Calculator program for Electronics Engineers.

VGA Hardware Screen Blanker - The worlds simplist and 100% reliable hardware based VGA screen blanker.

FSM Compiler Based PLC - A simple and low cost Programmable logic controller based on the Finite State Machine concept. Complete with custom compiler software and source code.


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    You can EMAIL me at:
    david @ alternatezone DOT com
    or - altzone @ gmail DOT com

    My ICQ UIN is 15091482 - I'm rarely online these days though, so don't bother.

Feel free to drop me an email if you have any enquiries about any anything you see on this site, or any general electronics or computer queries. I'm always willing to help, as long as you ask nicely :)
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Last Updated: Thursday, 24th Aug, 2006

Copyright(c)1995-2006 David L. Jones